
EXIT.ROCKS for 2017 WCIT | Finding EXIT & Venue so easy

September 10, 2017 – September 13, 2017, will be the day of the World Information Technology Conference. Many people from abroad will come to Taiwan to attend World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT 2017) during this period.

This is of great significance to Taiwan. Taiwan has finally got the opportunity to host this spectacular event.

Many international elites will come to Taiwan to attend lectures and exhibitions. The discussion will be how to use technology to solve energy shortages, environmental pollution, urban and rural disparities, population aging, social security and other issues for the world in order to create a better quality of life.

EXIT has collaborated with Taoyuan Airport Metro, so we can guide the international and local visitors all the way from the airport to their accommodation.

Once happily settled in their accommodation, the visitors would like to visit numerous places in and around Taipei. EXIT has released Experience Taiwan section to help visitors to quickly scan the top spots and a one click journey planner using public transport.

If the visitors have come all way to Taiwan to attend WCIT,  they wouldn’t want to be late stuck in traffic or lost in the MRT station wondering which EXIT to get to WCIT. So to find the right MRT EXIT and Venue will be an important issue. How to find the fastest and least traffic jam in the shortest and most effective period.

Well, EXIT (www.exit.rocks)  will lead the global elite from any location in Taipei to the WCIT venue, exhibition hall, and to their accommodation.

EXIT has a special World Information Technology Conference category, with one click function to find the venue, exhibition information, and accommodation hotels.

The following is the EXIT screenshots, USE EXIT TODAY!